Tuesday, February 23, 2010

8th Grade Reform Blog Assignment

Salem Lutheran School's 8th Grade class in St. Louis, MO has an assignment. They have to post a blog about one reform we have talked about in class.

In that report they have to write about what the problem was during the Reform era. Then they have to write about the people involved in the reform. Next they have to explain the reforms that came about as a result of this time period and these people. Another aspect of their post to this blog will be an historical picture they find on the internet. (Extra credit for finding an appropriate video to post on our blog.)

Next, they need to say if this reform movement was successful. They need to find one fact from today that supports their opinion. (Their sentence should start with "According to . . . " so they work on citing their sources.)

The final part of the assignment is to post a comment about someone else's blog entry. That part will need to be done sometime over the weekend and is due by 10:30 on Sunday night (Feb. 28th)

Check back for their writing!

Mr. Akerson - 8th grade teacher


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