Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Equal Rights for Women - Ceirra

The problem is that women do not get the same rights as men. In the mid 19th century women were treated very badly. However woman wanted to do the same as men, but men believed that women could only clean and cook. Also girls could not attend school, only boys could.
There were many reformers that were involved in this situation. One was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. When she was 25 years old, she had just gotten married. Elizabeth had never spoken in public. When she was younger she realized that women were not treated fairly. When she went to high school she attended Troy Female Seminary. While she was there she studied history, about women’s rights. When she met Lucretia Mott, in London she agreed that some thing needed to be done, for women’s rights.
The women who wanted to change went to the Seneca Falls to create the Declaration of Sentiments. Slowly the women got there rights and were treated the same as men were. The equal rights for women was very successful to women, because they can do the same as men and now they get treated the same.

I think that Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s reform efforts were very successful. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html) in 2002 28.2% of business firms were owned by women.

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