Thursday, March 11, 2010

Equal Rights for Women - Taylor

The problem with women’s rights was that many women were treated horribly in the mid 19th century. Men thought women only cleaned house and cooked for their families but women wanted to do the same things as men. Women couldn’t speak in a meeting or vote and many young girls could not attend school only boys were allowed to attend.
People that changed women rights are Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. They both meet at an anti-slavery conference in 1840. They both were outraged to see how women were treated so badly. Mott and Stanton decided to hold a women’s convention in Seneca Falls. Both men and women attended the event even African Americans came to the convention.
The Seneca Falls convention helped create an organized campaign for women’s rights. Women finally got to be treated equal and many women from all States got to control payments and even a woman got to start her own hospital. According to women and men are finally equal because of hard work and strength of many women who were treated poorly.

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